There is a CON for that!

9:08 AM

Cookie Con!  Its a thing!  I tell people I am heading to a con in Salt Lake City and they look at me completely baffled!  I am loading up to head out in the next hour for my second Cookie Con!  I am beyond excited.  Its where online friendships collide into reality.  Where fellow cookiers speak your love language.  Its where you can totally nerd out on cookies and nobody thinks its odd!

My very first Cookie Con was a tad overwhelming.  Meeting people face to face for the first time was hard!  There were personalities that wasn't what I expected, people who were way more amazing than I thought and a ton of fun mixed in.  If you are heading out to your first cookie con, I have words of wisdom for YOU! Do as much as you can!  I was a little overwhelmed last time and completely skipped open decorating.  What a huge regret!  Some cookiers are intimidating, but don't let that stop you from meeting them!  I had the joy to meet a few cookie gals that are really inspiring to me, I even took photos with them and I was thrilled I did.  Funny thing is, I remain friends with several of them today.  The photo below is with Georganne Bell of Lilaloa at the Cookie Tasting! If you are not a very social person, force yourself to meet someone new and do things together!  Put yourself out there and I guarantee you, you will not be sorry!

If you can't make it to Cookie Con 2017, be prepared for a ton of photos on social media by a ton of cookie people!  Enjoy the photos and make plans to join the next one!  If you see me in Salt Lake City, come say hi!

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  1. I can't wait for Cookie Con! This will be my first time and I'm over the moon excited.


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