Looking back....one last time

7:45 PM

With the end of the year, and the beginning of a new fresh start, I wanted to look back at 2016 one last time.  I look back at the orders I filled and all the celebrations I was (well, my cookies)  a part of and it is almost too unbelievable.  How did I possibly do all of that, while caring for my family, volunteering for a few projects, take several trips, and still have time for laundry?  The past year had a lot of bumps for me and a lot of times it would have been easier to just hang up my apron. Literally.  But, I never did. 

In 2016, I traveled to McGoo U and met some amazing new cookie friends.  I laughed so hard while I was at Real Media and even met the "Spanish Me".  The lovely lady that did my Spanish voice overs was so sweet and it still cracks me up seeing me dubbed.  I taught my very first cookie class at two different Cookie Roundups and made relationships that I am so thankful for today.  I learned how to be better at cookies than I was in 2015.  This year, I learned that I am fairly good in a crisis and can indeed go for well over 28 hours without sleep in the middle of nowhere, Oklahoma.  I learned that my cookie friends are so much more important than any cookie, any competition or whatever else might get in the way.  I learned that even when people can be ugly, there are so many more that are amazing and kind.

I'm tucking 2016 in my past, but I'm holding onto every lesson learned very tightly.  

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